Whether you’re seriously exploring the world of BDSM or are merely dabbling, you probably already know that restraints often play a role. Rope bondage is a common aspect of BDSM and can be a fun way to spice up your bedroom life.
Types of Rope Bondage
There are several different rope bondage techniques and practices, including rigging, shibari, and kinkabu that involve rope. If you can definitely do a bit of research on each to decide if you like one more than the other. However, it’s recommended that you start with the basics.
Before You Start
Before you start, it is best to take a class in person. Check out your local sex store or inquire about bondage for beginners or BDSM rope typing classes from your local BDSM community. Sites like FetLife can also be an excellent resource for finding classes. If you can’t find a local class, there are also several great books on the topic, and a few kink-friendly websites may even have online tutorials.
Safety First
Safety should be your number one concern when it comes to any sort of BDSM play, and BDSM rope safety is one of the first things you’ll hear about in a live class. Here are a few safety tips:
Be Open: During the entire session, you should be checking in with your partner, especially if your partner is the one being tied. Make sure that you are checking in on both the physical and emotional levels.
Know Good Pain vs. Bad Pain: Rope bondage can be a bit uncomfortable. However, there is a big difference between pain that is from an uncomfortable position and pain that relates to a serious problem. Usually, sharp, sudden pain is bad, but if you’re in doubt, it is always best to err on the safe side and end a play session early.
Have an Escape Strategy: If something does go wrong, make sure that you have a way to cut the rope. Your cutting tool should be efficient enough to easily cut through the type of rope that you are using and near enough to reach for in case of an emergency.
Protect Circulation: Good blood flow is very important to our overall health, and tissue that does not receive blood flow tends to die rather quickly. Watch out for signs of cut circulation during your play session, such as limbs losing color, going numb, or turning blue. If this happens, cut the rope immediately and keep that limb at heart level. If there is no improvement, seek medical attention immediately.
Go for Foolproof: If you’re just starting out, you’ll want a knot that is reasonably difficult to collapse even it is not perfect. A collapsible knot can create extra problems, so if you’re nervous about a new knot, practice without a live person first. This is especially important if you’re doing DIY bondage or testing new bondage ties.
How to Choose Bondage Rope
There is no single best rope for bondage. In fact, bondage rope choices are pretty subjective. Some individuals prefer working with a rope that is soft and comfortable, while others like their rope to have a bit of a bite to it. If you’re just starting out, make sure that you and your partner agree on the type of rope that you’ll be using. It can also be helpful for you and your partner to try several types of rope until you find one that works for you both.
How to Tie Bondage Knots
Here are just a few of the basic bondage knots to start you off.
The Column: This is a foundational tie and tends to work into a lot of other, more complicated BDSM knots. You’ll want to start with the single column tie and work your way up to the three-column. This tie is great to practice on the wrist or leg, and you’ll want to master this tie if you plan on working with rope on a regular basis.
There are several ways of tying a single column. One way of creating this knot, use the middle of your rope or your bight (not bite), wrap the rope around the limb that you intend to tie at least twice and turn the bight at a right angle. Run the bight under the ropes to keep them from getting too tight during play- pulling the rope instead of pushing makes this easier. Holding the bight, create a simple loop with your remaining rope and run the bight through the loop and under the wraps again before going through the loop an additional time.
The Two-Column Tie: While the single column tie is best for starters and for tying limbs to a bed, the two-column works well if you need to tie two limbs together. This is because the double column is also hard to slip, so it’s a good tie to use if you don’t want your partner going anywhere for a little while.
How to Tie Someone Up
Tying someone up for play doesn’t have to be fancy. However, it does have to be safe for that person and for yourself.
Rigging Isn’t the End Goal: While a lot of people learn rope bondage with the intent of being able to suspend or rig their partner, bondage knots can also be decorative or be a way to restrain your partner during play.
Make Sure You’re Ready: Before you start working with a partner, make sure that you feel confident in your skills and that you have a clear exit strategy.
Get Creative With Rope: While rope is known for tying, it can also make a great flogger- especially if you are using a rope that is a little tougher and rougher.
How to Bondage Without Rope: If rope is not your thing, you can definitely still participate in bondage. Other bondage techniques to look into include clothing and restraints, such as shackles or handcuffs. Work with your partner to find the types of restraints that work for you.
Remember, the safety of you and your partner come first during any sort of BDSM activity. It is also important to perform aftercare and check-in with your partner when you are done playing, even if your play consisted of basic knots.